Bosnia and Herzegovina
Representatives of civil society – to the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina: We don’t want cosmetics in public procurement
Civil society organizations and members of the Association of Employers of BiH sent the open letter to the deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly which stand out, said the director of the Anti-Corruption Network Account Eldin Karic, that such amendments are the minimum for improving the anti-corruption mechanism in the New Public Procurement Law, which should reduce the high level of corruption in the procurement process.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Open Letter to the Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H on the draft Law on Public Procurement
Transparency International BiH, Open Society Fund BiH, the Association of Employers of BiH, Association of Citizens “Tender” and Anti-Corruption Network of Civil Society Representatives ACCOUNT have sent an open letter to all members of Parliamentary Assembly of BiH on the occasion of the new draft Law on Public Procurement.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
What new Public Procurement Law brings?
The new draft of Public Procurement Law, whose principle was adopted by relevant committee of the state House of Representatives, is not transparent - was the assessment of the public debate organized by an Association of citizens Tender and Open Society Fund.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Corruption stifles public procurements in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, on public procurement is spent nearly 2 billion euros in one year, and Society of private entrepreneurs are giving warning that half of that amount ends up in private pockets.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Šego: BiH doesn’t have plan for development nor anti-corruption plan
General Auditor of BH Audit Office Milenko Šego said in a speech to representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly that one of the recommendations of the competent authorities is adequate plan to combat corruption, which should exist in every institution that manages public funds.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation of the Report on the Progress of Anti-Corruption Reforms in BiH
Transparency International BiH follows the anti-corruption activities in very sensitive areas, such as the prosecution of corruption in the courts and prosecutors’ offices, the changes in the legal framework and the implementation of the Law on conflict of interest, the functioning of the public sector audit and monitoring of the implementation of the Law on Public Procurement.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ostoja Kremenović: "We did hear there are tender malversations"
Ostoja Kremenović, new Chairman of Procurement Review Body, whose naming for that position did create some controversies and complaint to BH Court from his forerunner, in interview for ‘’Nezavisne’’ is explaining causes and consequences of these happenings.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Daviddi: BiH, the only country that failed to transpose EU law on public procurement
The European Union is concerned about the proposed amendments to the Law on Public Procurement as the planned amendments do not bring BiH closer to relevant European directives.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Open letter to the delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the public
The Council of Ministers issued a proposal for an emergency procedure in the BiH Parliament to adopt three amendments to the Public Procurement Law.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Halting the Slow, Steady March Backward in BiH: A Troika of Troubling Legal Developments
Ambassador’s notes: Embassy Sarajevo