Source: http://www.nezavisne.com
Ostoja Kremenović, new Chairman of Procurement Review Body, whose naming for that position did create some controversies and complaint to BH Court from his forerunner, in interview for ‘’Nezavisne’’ is explaining causes and consequences of these happenings.
Kremenović states that resolving of complaints is the main goal of this office and that is necessary to harmonize laws in accordance with EU standards for efficient system of BH public procurement. Last year, Public procurement Body resolved 2.200 complaints, and that is 4 times higher than in Slovenia, and 1,5 higher than in Serbia. In this year, there was 1.300 complaints resolved.
Regarding tender malversations, he stated that Public Procurement Body knows everything about actual situation in BH public procurement system, and they exclusively deal only with resolving complaints. Most of procedures are ended with no complaints and no involvement of Public Procurement Body.