

Кривична за директорот на ЈП „Пазари“ Битола: склучил договор за јавна набавка со фирма избришана од Централниот регистар

Одделот за криминалистичка полиција, по наредба од Основното јавно обвинителство Битола презема предистражни дејствија и во координација со СВР Битола поднесе кривична пријава против Б.К. од Скопје


Здравство купува амбулантни возила по 90 000 евра парче, а речиси исти такви ЕУ ги купи по 63 000 евра

На тендерот на Министерството за здравство за набавка на 22 амбулантни возила се пријавиле само двајца понудувачи, но со драматично различни понуди во цената.


Abuse of tenders, SPAK takes the former mayor of Patos and 3 other officials to trial

The Special Prosecutor's Office against Corruption and Organized Crime completed the investigations and sent to the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime the request for sending the defendants to trial:


BIRN: The head of ARRSH invested 2.2 million euros from tenders in his company's real estate

The Special Prosecutor's Office against Corruption and Organized Crime, SPAK, announced on Thursday, March 14, the arrest of the General Director of the Austrian Road Authority, ARRSH, Evis Berberi, on charges of "Passive Corruption..." and "Money Laundering...", carried out in collaboration .


BIRN analysis: What is the rate of corruption in Albania?

Tenders for works supervision are considered small tenders. They cost a few thousand euros and are used to contract a company that supervises the works undertaken by another company.


Towards municipalities with open, accountable and efficient public procurement

Report on monitoring of procurement activities in the Municipalities of Prishtina/Priština, Peja/Peć, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Gjakova/Djakovica and Vushtrri/Vučitrn


Benchmarking public procurement

In Prishtina/Priština, Gjakova/Djakovica, Vushtrri/Vućitrna, Gjilan/Gnjilane and Peja/ Peć


Money well spent?



Only one bidder in a 10 million euros tender for Government premises’ cleaning services

Last year's tender for cleaning the premises of the Government and ministries, worth more than 10 million euros


Contracting of legal services is excluded from public procurement procedures

With the recent amendments to the Public Procurement Law which came into force on June 29, 2016, legal services are exempted from the obligation to implement public procurement procedures.