

The government proposed amendments to the Law on public procurement

Macedonian government proposed amendments to the Law on public procurement saying they will reduce the costs and improve the access to businesses in public procurement procedures, improve legal protection, remove subjectivism and increase the transparency.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Open letter to the delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the public

The Council of Ministers issued a proposal for an emergency procedure in the BiH Parliament to adopt three amendments to the Public Procurement Law.


The value of public procurement 323.15 million

The value of public procurement concluded during the last year in Montenegro were 323.15 million euro, or about 9.72 percent of the estimated gross domestic product, according to the Report of the Public Procurement adopted by the Government.


Cash-in-hand for tender or business deal

Corruption has been flourishing in education, construction, trade, and agriculture. Everyone bribes in different way.


Index of Rationality: Same products - large differences in the prices

Different state institutions (central and level) had bought same products, but with differences in the prices of even 300%. This is announced in the newest Index of rationality from the Center for Civil Communications for of work clothes, work shoes, benches, original and compatible toner cartridges, and for disinfection, desinsection and deratization service.


BALKAN TENDER WATCH presented in Podgorica

Regional web portal and regional Base-Line Survey dedicated to public procurement in the Western Balkans, the Balkan Tender Watch, was officially presented on 30th May, 2013 at a press conference held in Podgorica.


Analysis of public procurement systems in the Western Balkans

A regional Internet portal dedicated to public procurement in Western Balkan countries will be presented in a press conference which is going to be held on May 30, 2013 in Podgorica (Montenegro).


Romania should return EU 700 million euros due to violations in public procurement

Romania is obligated to return almost 700 million euros to the European Union due to errors in the distribution of funds received from the European Commission.


No public funding for tax cheats in the EU

Members of EU Parliament ask no EU funding or state assistance to go to firms that breach EU tax standards, and any firm bidding for a public procurement contract to be required to disclose details of any tax-related penalties or convictions.