
Agreement Transparency in Public Procurement

Date: May 24, 2016

Bosnia and Herzegovina




Concluding agreement for public procurement is a beginning of new, post-tender faze in realization of procurement, during which abuse, that negatively influence on the efficacy of the system, may appear.

Agreement Transparency in Public Procurement is title of the expert debate which was held on 12th of May 2016 in Hotel Talija, Banja Luka.

Negative economic impacts such as corruption, nepotism or preferential treatment do not necessary have to be related to procedure which priors to agreement conclusion, but can also appear in post-tender faze. For this reason, it is crucial to ensure agreements for public procurements are available to citizens, as well as the annexes during the implementation.

Researches in this field show that agreement transparency in public procurement is a sticking point in BiH public procurement system. Therefore, announcing agreements and annexes were in focus of this expert debate with goal to underline positive sides of the process, but also to identify its disadvantages.