Source : New Europe / Andy Carling
With Europe's diversity and global connections, such as millions of passengers taking flights in and out of the union daily, means that there are vulnerabilities to potential disease outbreaks, such as 'bird flu' and so on.
However, there is no reason to panic as current outbreaks in China are worrying, but limited in scope.
An earlier scare in 2009, that some experts feel was spread partially by sensationalist reporting, resulted in panic buying of vaccines by some European nations, which were unused, but costed millions of euros.
As noted, disease is no respector of borders, the new measures, expected to be agreed, include a joint procurement mechanism that will allow member states to club together to order medicines and preventatives on a larger scale, giving them the ability to obtain lower prices and the volume that will prioritise vaccine production when required.
The arrangement is voluntary, allowing countries to opt-in when they wish.
The new procedures will also allow the EU to declare a health emergency, currently something the World Health Organisation does, but they declare emergencies when outbreaks reach two continents.
Health campaigners have welcolmed the move, but until the deal is made, few wish to tempt fate by commenting.